marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Boss #4 -The Griffin

                                                   Boss #4 The Griffon

The griffin is the fourth boss of Prince of Persia Warrior Within and you will encounter him in the Sacred Caves being as the Sandwraith after the prince finds up the mask of the Wraith.
The griffin is one of the easiest bosses in the game if you know tactics during the fight.
I will now explain about,at final add a picture with it (just as a lookalike) and write about the encounter.

About - This kind of beast is a Sand Griffon found on the Island of Time during the Sandwraith path back to  the Throne Room.
Rumor speaks of an mythical,ancient beast that lives beneath the Island of Time,but no one knows if was lured here or simply lived to the island prior of the Empress of Time arrival.
It is charged with the duty to guard the island moste valuable artefacts.
This great winged creature is able for swift flight,dodge all conventional attacks and as a weapon against the enemies the powerul beak,a sperpentine tail and razor-sharp talons can be included.
According to a legend,it says to be hundreds or thousands years old,having an abillity to regenerate itself over time fast (it is all hearsay) or that there could be more griffons on the island,and this is just the beginning of them...
Since,no one lived to face the griffin and tell about too much....shall the prince be the first one??

Encounter - As you are a Sandwraith this wil make the encounter to be the easiest in this game.
As your sand tanks are properly unlimited (because they regenerate over time) you will find this useful slowing down the time or using a ground attack like Wind of Fate.
When the griffin lands on the platform go toward the beast and then use Eye of the Storn abillity slowing down the time (just tap R) and then damage the griffin as hard as you can.
It is important to know that you will NOT stay in front of it or behind (you will get hit hard by the claw and knocked down by the tail).You can also use Cyclone of Fate ability (while blocking with mouse2 press R) for a quickly finish.
So,with all these you will damage at his feet and not at his head.
There will be 2 times or 3 when it will try to knock you down flying.What do you have to do?
Extremly simple - When the beast approaches the platform,move toward it and then crouch.Do that every time during on the air assault then,when it lands agains you can continue to destroy it.

I will now present you a video on youtube about this encounter 
I DID NOT uploaded this video,I chose it from many PoP Encounter and Walkthrough Uploads!

And here is a picture of The Griffin,showing the Environment where you will battle,too

Thanks for reading this I hope this will be useful if you play PoP


Tutorial made by Sisu Tudor on 01.22.2013


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